After 5 months of development in this project, the team had to be divided and directed to work from home because of COVID-19. The project development ended shortly after with the graduation of the team lead designer.
About the game: Antidote is a cure finding game where the player is a scientist trying to manufacture a cure for a pathogen. The game mechanics involves the player trying different stats in the lab and taking notes on what is most effective to kill the pathogen without killing too many neutral cells.
This page will cover the following topics:
Platforms: PC
Project Length: 5 months
Engine, Tools, and Language: Unity, Github, C# Visual Studio
Antidote has a total of 3 cells:
All the cells previously stated have the same properties:
These cells react in a different ways when in proximity to their friends and foes. These reactions were discussed between the team member and addressed as rules or behaviors
Cell recovering health and stamina meeting requirements for reproduction
All cells present in the game
Rules are a simple set of statements that handles what happens between the cells despise of their stats, supporting the behaviors they could switch to.
Cells rules:
Blue cells switch from Aggression to Flee/Flocking
Behaviors are states on which a cell can be in or switch to after doing a randomized roll check against their own stats.
Cells behaviors:
Cells switch from flocking to Aggressive behavior after Reproduction
The fun of Antidote is to explore the DNA helix with different colors to take notes on what the color represents and how they affect the cells behaviors during the game. After exploring what the cells can do and what the colors mean, the player can control exactly how to build their cure and beat the pathogen with the lowest amount of consumption, or casualties, of neutral cells to do so.
The cells are following each other with the flock system, and hunting other cells with A* pathfinding
Since I was the main programmer for the project and I was only at my junior year at college, I decided to follow a tutorial that could help me understand and implement the flock behavior for the project.
Alpha gameplay of both navigation systems running
After solving a few bugs between the systems, the implementation that switches between behaviors proved that they could co-exist and operate in a way that would simulate the actions of a cell.
Cells flocking with their own kind
The DNA Helix Selection
There are a total of 4 different factors that can affect the cell. Initial Health, static aggression, static reproduction rate, and number of cells that will spawn at the beginning of the test.
The DNA helix in the game has a total of 5 slots for possible combinations, as well as 5 different colors for the player to pick from. If the player decides to go with red, yellow, red, blue, red, then that array of 5 colors will be compared to the array of correct combinations.
The system initiates the game by picking one of the stats, for example initial health, and generating an array of 5 randomized combination of color. Those 5 colors if are fully matched, they will give the player’s cell a total of 100% initial health bonus. This process is done for every stat needed.
For every correct match that the player does, the cells are rewarded with 20% additional points for that status.
If the player guesses Blue at position 2, however, in the correct combination for initial health blue happens to be at position 4, the player is rewarded with half of the bonus a full match would give, or 10%.
Helix DNA selection
DNA Helix percentage example:
Red at position 1 gives 20% because it matches the right position, P1, and the right color, Red.
Blue at position 4 gives 10% because it is a correct guess, the color blue is present in the player's guess, but not in the right position.
A bonus of 30% will be granted to the player's initial health cells.
This system was designed for game designers to have control over what type of combinations they would like to make for players to explore in future levels against other pathogens. The randomization was implemented in the prototype as a way to play with the system and test how fun the game can be.
Other Unity implementations I made:
Office Hub Menu
Title Screen